
I sometimes like to switch it up from words to visuals.

what with being into movies and instagram it’s kind of a given


I moved here a year ago and have been fascinated with the spirit ,the culture , the atmosphere and the vibe. So I began taking a few random shots of the things I felt represented the neighborhood as I explored and walked through it. More to come …. of course…

Click image to flip through the photos


NYTM Inspired Photo Series

A Fashion Spread Photo Series inspired by the New York Times Magazine - Oct 2017 edition. 

The monochromatic nature of the images emphasizes how even without color , the background setting of an image as well as the light play into our perception of the clothes delineating the formal from the casual.

Click image to flip through images

Model credits : Vanessa Bittante

My sketchy sketches

From every emotion I could think of to some random prompt that suggested I draw a bench for a tinder date to my favorite Disney character.

I even attempted sketching my classmates :D

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